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Upcoming Performances

Last Concert!

End of the year.png
  • Will be on May 25th, 2023 at 7:00pm​​​



  • Students performing in the concert are expected to follow the choral department performance dress code (i.e black pants, a black dress shirt, black shoes, etc.)



  • There will be an end of the year presentation for our senior graduating class in addition to an awards ceremony to commemorate the hard work of the students and faculty in the choral department.



  • Please make sure that all photos have been sent in for the end of the year presentation! (*for seniors)



  • Lastly, as the final concert signaling the end to a great school year, we hope to see you all there!

Support music education!


Donate to our 501(c)(3) organization to support quality vocal music education at Deep Run High School. The cost of our Blue Ribbon music program far exceeds government support for it. Your generous assistance allows us to buy our music, tune our piano, and much more!

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c/o Deep Run High School

4801 Twin Hickory Rd

Glen Allen, VA 23059


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