Honor Credit Commitments due 9/6!
Honors Choir Auditions and $$$ due 9/13 (seniors only!)
District Chorus Auditions and $$ due 9/20 (required for honors credit, open to all)
2021 Spring Concert
This video was made possible by our wonderful students. This is our final goodbye to our 2021 Seniors! We hope you enjoy college and have fun! Continue to sing into the future seniors!
2021 District Chorus
Our students who were admitted into District Chorus filmed their voices to be admitted into a group of voices. These photos are all representations of all of the District Chorus students! Great job students.
The Awakening Song
Our students put lots of time and effort into creating an enjoyable experience through their concert. (Note: This production was filmed outside with strict social distancing restrictions!)
February Combined Concert
Our students performed this concert with all being virtual. The song is combined with some of the other choirs. We are so proud of how quickly all of our students learned how to become a virtual choir in such little time.